Digital Islamic Finance: A Gateway to Financial Inclusion - A Comparative Study Between Malaysia and Jordan-

Keywords: Digital Islamic Finance, Financial Inclusion, Fintech, Malaysia, Jordan


This study aimed to highlight the role of digital Islamic finance in enhancing financial inclusion, particularly in Islamic countries, by addressing the concepts of digital Islamic finance and financial inclusion, it also emphasizes its importance in achieving sustainable development in light of a comparative analysis between the experiences of Malaysia and Jordan in this field. The study employs a descriptive-analytical method to collect and analyze data within the study framework and a comparative method to compare the application of digital Islamic finance and financial inclusion in two Islamic countries.

 The study concludes that digital Islamic finance effectively promotes financial inclusion by providing innovative, Sharia-compliant financial solutions, such as digital banking services. These solutions enable underserved populations and remote areas to access safe and reliable financial services, enhancing their participation in the financial system and contributing to social justice and sustainable development. Despite the challenges facing this sector, there are significant opportunities to overcome them and maximize its potential.


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How to Cite
Sakhri , M., & Bouchenine , L. (2025). Digital Islamic Finance: A Gateway to Financial Inclusion - A Comparative Study Between Malaysia and Jordan-. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 16(1), 197-214.