The Reality of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the University Environment (an Analytical Study)

Keywords: Ecosystem, University, Entrepreneurship



This study aimed to clarify the reality of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially within the university environment in Algeria, and to assess its performance through some global entrepreneurship indicators. Additionally, it examined the role of universities in fostering entrepreneurs and addressing the challenges faced by both the entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Research and development play a crucial role in advancing to higher levels of technology and digitization in providing goods and services innovatively.

Political factors also play a critical role in stimulating the business environment and supporting entrepreneurs in establishing more startups and small to medium-sized enterprises.

The importance of this role is reflected in the clarity of the political vision of governments. Government policies aimed at supporting entrepreneurs and innovators are fundamental in stimulating startup projects


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How to Cite
Bouderbala , M. R., Sayeh , A., & Boukhari , A. (2025). The Reality of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the University Environment (an Analytical Study) . Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 16(1), 215-231.