Applying a balanced scorecard to maximize the value of the economic institution: between reality challenges and future bets: an applied study on industrial institutions in the state of Setif
The research aims to discover the application of Balanced Scorecard and the knowledge of the most important benchmarks actually used in industrial companies in Setif to assess its performance, as well as to show the impact of the global application of this tool with these four disassembles, and the extent of its contribution to the achievement of its strategic objectives as well as the creation and maximization of the value of the economic enterprise. This study found that industrial companies in Sétif apply financial and other non-financial measures when measuring their performance; but which is not to be used as part of the full implementation of the Balance Scorecard model, and despite this these companies remain suffering from numerous obstacles to the correct application of this new model despite their positive impact on the value of the economic enterprise.
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