The policy of public spending in Algeria and its role in achieving economic growth. Standard study for the period from 2000-2013
This study examines the subject of the public expenditure policy in Algeria and its role on economic growth in Algeria, during the period 2000-2013, and to achieve this objective economic growth function of Algeria was estimated, depending on the equipment expenses, operating expenses by using the ordinary least squares method. Through this methodology we examined the stationary of the time series for each variable, by using the unit root test, were also measured the flexibility of equipment expenses role on the economic growth in Algeria, has been estimated to be valued at (0.58). were also measured the flexibility of operating expenses role on the economic growth in Algeria, has been estimated to be valued at (0.67). Depending on the results of the study, the paper recommended, the need to search for efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public resources by subjecting public expenditure to economic feasibility criteria.
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