Dashboard as a tool to monitor the conduct of public economic institutions: Case of the subsidiary of Sonelgaz Company in the Medea

  • Lamine Allouti
  • Nadhira Rakki University of Medea
Keywords: The dashboard, steering control, plate balanced leadership, Sonelgaz company Medea


This study aims to illustrate the importance of using the dashboard in public economic enterprises as a tool for control and performance evaluation on a permanent basis.and touched them as well as to the concept of the dashboard, types and mechanism of action, and we finished the application of what was covered in the theoretical side of the Sonelgaz company for a term Medea even show basic and practical role played by the performance of this tool in the economic evaluation of our institutions; especially since the latter is currently seeking to rationalize expenditure and improve its performance.


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How to Cite
Allouti, L., & Rakki, N. (2017). Dashboard as a tool to monitor the conduct of public economic institutions: Case of the subsidiary of Sonelgaz Company in the Medea. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(1), 81-100. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v8i1.481