Managing cost strategically using targeted cost technology

  • Abdelwahab Benbrika Université of Biskra
  • Hafssa Bakroun Université of Biskra
Keywords: Stratigic Cost Managment, Cost Management Techniques, Target Costing


This research deals with the Target Costing; Asone of thetechniques used inthe strategic cost management, Andthat meetthe needs ofthe Organizations;To facethe big challengesinmodern manufacturingenvironmentcharacterized bycompetition, so the Target CostingTechnique is one of the important Techniques in Strategic Cost Managementbecause depends in pricing products by Target Cost and market researches- pricing, and because Three Competitive Strategies refers toStrategic Choice for Organization, Theuseof theTarget CostingTechnique showits importance inreducing costsandthento achievecost leadershipstrategy.


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How to Cite
Benbrika, A., & Bakroun, H. (2017). Managing cost strategically using targeted cost technology. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(1), 149-167.