Specific employment policies as a means of fighting unemployment: referring to the case of Algeria
Unemployment represents a social plague which does not cease increasing and which touches all the countries, without making the distinctions between developed or underdeveloped country, in this sense it constitutes a bomb of delay because of its economic, financial and social cost, continuation to the various direct and indirect expenses that it implies according to its compensation and according to the part of wealth that its unused human resources entail, to defuse this bomb, it is absolutely necessary to strengthen employment policies and start to reduce the gaps and inequalities between individuals by strengthening labor market institutions, thereby acting on labor supply and demand through specific policies in terms of reorganization of working time by favoring part-time and part-time work limited duration (employment contract) (COD) in parallel with a training and integration policy, to try precisely to establish the possible approximation between the vacant jobs and the existing unemployed, in the sense of structural unemployment.
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