Methods for evaluating institutions and their applications in Algeria
This study aims to identify the most important methods applied in firm evaluation, in case of privatization, merger, acquisition, restructuring, or for whatever relevant reasons.
Most often different and various methods are used with distinct approaches; There are a variety of methods depends on the balance sheet-based approach, where there are other methods fall within the financial or cash flows approach. where as some based on the approach of goodwill.
We have discussed as well the experience of some Algerian economic companies which have been subject to the evaluation process, Particularly those companies that have been partially privatized through the stock exchange, such as: Saidal corporation, and the Eriad Setif and El Aurassi Hotel. We find out that each company relies upon a method or combination of methods which differ from one firm to the other.
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Pablo FERNANDEZ, Company valuation methods , the most common errors in valuations, working paper n 499, IESE business school university of navarra, spain , January 2004,P:2.
Claude JANSSENS, Réflexions générales sur la valeur d’une entreprise – L’approche industrielle, in Accountancy & tax, n° 2, 2008, p: 39-40.
Arnaud THAUVRON, Evaluation d'entreprise, 2° Ed ,Economica, Paris,2007,P:17.
رشيد عريوة، أساليب وطرق اندماج الشركات، دراسة مالية ومحاسبية، مدكرة ماجيستير غير منشورة، جامعة باتنة، 2010، ص:44.
لمزيد من التفصيل يمكن الرجوع إلى:
• طارق عبد العال حماد، التقييم وإعادة هيكلة الشركات، الدار الجامعة، الاسكندرية، 2008
• Abdelaziz ENASRI, Ingénierie financière: Evaluation d'actifs,imprimerie najah el jadida; casablanca:2005.
• Philippe de LA CHAPELLE, L'évaluation des entreprises, 2° Ed ,Economica, Paris,2004.
يمكن الرجوع لـ :
• Groupe SAIDAL, Notices d'information, Du 24 décembre 1998,
• GLIZ Abdelkader, valeur de l’entreprise et méthode de Privatisation dans un contexte de Transition vers l’économie de marche, thèse de doctorat d’état en sciences économiques, Université d’Alger,2001.P:128-129
يمكن الرجوع إلى:
• ERIAD SETIF, Notices d'information, Du 27 juin 1998,
• GLIZ Abdelkader, op cit, P:130-132.
يمكن الرجوع إلى:
• EGH EL -AURASSI, Notices d'information Du 24 mai 1999,
• GLIZ Abdelkader, op cit, P:133-134
Noureddine Legheliel, article publié dans: Algérie Patriotique," Un expert international évalue les actifs de Djezzy : «L’Etat achète une coquille vide», Article | 16. février 2013.

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