Algeria anti-poverty strategy through the economic recovery program and the growth support program (2001-2009)
A variety of reasons and factors are Combined in the expansion of the poor at the local and global level, where the poverty is one of the most problems affects the world's population. in Algeria ,the social fabric suffered of the extent of poverty, marginalization and social exclusion, where the challenge for the development of present and future is the fight against poverty, which requires concentration effort to achieve economic and social development, because the issue of trapping poverty and addressing the causes and mitigate its devastating effects not only need urgent humanitarian but a social safety valve , so that ; Algeria adopted a national strategy to combat poverty, particularly through the adoption of development programs during the period 2001 – 2009.
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ملخَّص تقرير المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي حول التنمية البشرية لسنة 2008.
Nation Unis, Le Premier rapport sur les objectifs de développement du millénaire pour l'Algérie. p 9.
CNES, Rapport national sur le développement humain-OMD, p 38
CNES, Rapport national sur développement humain, p 55.
كمال بوصافي، حدود البطالة الظرفية والبطالة البنيوية في الجزائر خلال المرحلة الانتقالية، أطروحة دكتوراه غير منشورة، كلية العلوم القتصادية وعلوم التسيير، جامعة الجزائر، الجزائر، 2006، ص 166.
CNES, Rapport national sur développement humain, CNES, Algérie 2006. p 56

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