The nature of the external audit in the Algerian economic establishment through its legal framework
The institution's approval of the audit has positive effects on the way it deals with financial statements on the basis of which decisions can be taken. The audit is the basis for establishing the legitimacy, validity, and integrity of what appears in the final financial statements. The jurisprudence and interests of the audit mission increased in order to develop it and tried to overcome the difficulties that the professionals were facing during their performance of the external audits, and they also set for this profession among the criteria that work to increase the arbitration and rationalization of this profession, there are standards that impose a set of conditions in the person practicing the profession , And criteria that came to govern how and how they are practiced, and other of the most important specifications and the way in which the final reports of the audit process are prepared in the Algerian establishment
Translations of the
لام التعريف
Definitions of the
denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge.
If he's saying we're running fifth behind the leader, I know we don't have to make drastic changes.
used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.
From the first of July, mothers will be eligible for a $3,000 dollar payment, going up to $5,000 by 2008.
used to make a generalized reference to something rather than identifying a particular instance.
According to parents, 60 percent of children complain of feeling tired during the day.
3 more definitions
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