Industrial clusters and their role in enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprise

  • Mokaddem Abirate University of Laghouat
  • Mustapha Bennaoui University of Laghouat
Keywords: small and medium enterprises, cluster, competitiveness, business environment


The importance of small and medium enterprises and their role in addressing the problems of unemployment and poverty and increase economic growth rates in addition to their importance because of their weight in a large number of institutions in many countries of the world.
The clusters of industrial as one of the strategies used to solve faced by these institutions from the problems of small size and disintegration and are not linked to the integrated structures and the resulting pool of these institutions within the framework of the cluster industry many advantages, both of these institutions or to society as a whole as help them to work in a framework that allows them to enjoy the benefits of economies of scale through the possibility of using advanced technology and reduce costs in addition to improving the quality of final products.


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How to Cite
Abirate, M., & Bennaoui, M. (2013). Industrial clusters and their role in enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprise. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 4(1), 75-88.