The place of the institution's culture in managing organizational change

  • Fatima Zohra Boudaoud University of Laghouat
Keywords: Organizational culture, cultural change, organizational values and believes, individual behavior, organizational change


Organizational culture is considered as human variations which form several organizational behaviors that have many links with the competence and the organizational performance level because it represents the general frame of individual's behaviors in the organization.

Organizational culture works on developing individuals' thought and directing them towards change requirements. It motives them to be more involved in achieving their tasks and duties; it supports and encourages social stability through the impact on individuals' behaviors، values and believes; further، it makes them more adaptable to change. Regardless the nature of change and its strategy, change's success could not be attainable without cultural change that is going along with it. From this side, the major challenge which encounters change management is how well the organization changes its culture purposefully to serve change process in parallel with general agreement and satisfaction of workers


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How to Cite
Boudaoud, F. Z. (2013). The place of the institution’s culture in managing organizational change. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 4(1), 189-200.