Islamic banks financing of building and construction contracts through lease financing
This article aims to identify one of the most important formulas of contracts currently used in the world to set up, transfer and finance infrastructure projects by the private sector, which is the system of building and operating operations and then the transfer of BOT. Many Islamic banks have succeeded in developing infrastructure through the use of those contracts .
What is the impact of the lease-financing strategy for building and construction contracts? Have Islamic banks been able to impose their competitiveness through this strategy?
Maheu.A et Maige.C: « pratique du crédit-bail mobilier » édition organisation, 1998p25
Luc Bernet-Rollande, « principes de techniques bancaires », 20 édition, Dunod, paris ,1999, p217
Pascal philippossian: « le crédit –bail et le leasing » SEFI, 1998, Montréal (Québec)p136
هاني دويدار: النظام القانون للتأجير التمويلي و الطبيعة الثانية، مكتبة الشعاع 1998، ص 125 ص 189
Luc Bernet -Rollande: « principes de techniques bancaires » édition, Dunod, paris ,1999 p31

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