The development and limits of financing the economies of the world’s countries with financial markets

  • Mohammed BERRAK High School of Commerce, Algeiers
  • Lamia KACEM CHAOUCH Medea University
Keywords: finance, world economies, financial markets


The principle role of financial system in development will be more clear when happen crisis, finance development by foreign borow from banks in emerging countries was the principle cause of indebtedness crisis and his resolution was by the translation from indebtedness economic to financial market economic, as a suggestion of ‘FMI’ in the other hand the increase of borow cost’s in developed countries push them also to finance their economics by stock markets but financial crisis in developed and emerging market put limits of financial world countries’ economics by stock markets


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How to Cite
BERRAK, M., & KACEM CHAOUCH, L. (2012). The development and limits of financing the economies of the world’s countries with financial markets. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 3(2), 157-170.