Balance of Payments and its Impact on Foreign Trade (Algeria case study)
The balance of payments is the mirror of the state of the economy of all countries, as it is a comprehensive recipe for the economy that shows the sources of strength and weaknesses of the economy of the countries under study. Statistical agencies in most countries, and it is one of the most important tools that measure the performance of the national economy with the outside world and the state of the country's external debt, including the development of its payment status, the degree of its dependence on foreign support, and the structure of the economic relationship between it and the outside world Y. Hence, the close and manifold link that combines these variables with each other led us to study measuring the size of the impact and impact of the balance of payments, these variables under study, which leads us in the end to get to know the type of economy and the sources of income on which it depends to serve as an indicator for developing solutions and drawing strategies.
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