The actual control of monetary aggregates in reducing inflation levels in Algeria During the Period (2000-2018)
This study aims at highlighting the importance of controlling the growth of monetary aggregates to curb the high inflation rates through the use of time series of money supply in the narrow and wide concept and inflation rates for the period (2000-2018) To determine how successful of the monetary authority in Algeria to neutralize the factors responsible for the emergence of inflationary pressures, This paper comes at a time when extraordinary financing operations continue to arouse widespread controversy among supporters who see it as an essential antibiotic for the economy in these difficult economic conditions and opponents who see it as seeds for future problems For a weak economy ,where the methodology of standard analysis of time series was used by testing the stability of the variables of the study and the application of the methodology of co-integration of Johansson and the test of causality of Ganger, the study found a common complementarity between money supply and rates of inflation.
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