The factor influencing the developpement of a digital culture : A case study directions of Ministry of commerce
This research paper aims to identify the factors affecting to building digital culture. The study includes a presentation of the theoretical aspect about the role of digital culture and the importance of the proposed factors building a digital culture and an applied aspect that addresses the extent of the ministry’s response in its various central and state directorates to influencing factors that help it establish a digital culture And the success of the digital transformation plan that you strive for, We collected 264 answers from 35 state departments and central directorates of the Ministry After the sorting process, the answers were216, We processed it using a program SPSS and by the structural modeling of the program. The results of the study reached the theoretical side of the field reality through the role of openness towards change as a partial medium linking the proposed factors to build a digital culture while the role of digital transformative leadership as a second medium is absent, it is noted that this concept is still absent in the field but we have theoretically demonstrated its efficacy and importance in driving change Therefore, one of the most important recommendations was the necessity for organizations to respond to the new concepts of managers and employees as a whole.
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