Organizational Commitment as A Hard Core of Governments’ Digital Transformation: Evidence from African Social Care Services
Organizational commitment is the hard core of the digital transformation process implementation, where digital technology investments, employee training, and employee satisfaction are the common basis. Following, this paper aims to investigate the organizational commitment of the World Bank to the digital transformation process of African social care services. Principal Component Analysis, applied on a large scale comprising 700 observations and 10 variables, aims to analyze the inter-correlation between work environment, job satisfaction, and involvement, and work-life balance aimed at increasing organizational performance. Results indicate that the World Bank is engaged in the African social care services’ digital transformation implementation by investing in digital technology infrastructure and employees’ training. In doing so, it aims to provide a great work environment, job satisfaction, and involvement, and work-life balance for employees. Results show also that organizational commitment in the digital transformation process rises organizational performance.
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Copyright (c) 2021 BENKHIDER Naima, MEZIANI Mustapha, KHERBACHI Sonia

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