Assessing the Importing Companies View of Non-Tariff Measures: The Case of Oran
The purpose of the present research paper is to evaluate importing Companies view of Non-tariff Measures-NTMs. So, to answer the problem of the study we used the International Trade Center approach, which is called the direct assessment,which is represented in a survey that is administered directly on a sample of 50 companies in the Wilaya of Oran, in order to benefit from their experiences in identifying the most important restrictions that they face. After analysing the results of the study, we came to determine the restrictive aspects associated with the company activities, which is represented in cumbersome and costly NTMs that government impose, procedures that increase the costs of compliance and the inefficiencies in the trade-related business environment. Finally, the paper concludes with a set of recommendations that emphasize the greater role for public authorities in simplifying all the approved processes and procedures, which remains the biggest challenge facing trade reform policies as well as improving the business environment.
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