Measuring the impact of personal and demographic factors on the adoption of e-payment Banking: A Survey Study of a Sample of Public Banks in Algeria
This study addresses the impact of personal and demographic factors on the adoption of e-banking through five main factors such as sex, age, educational level, occupation and income, and measuring their impact on the characteristics of e-banking services. (The style and nature of e-service, the number of times the e-banking service was used, the interest, the problems and the place of to get the service); The study relied on the questionnaire method. By questioning a sample of 125 customers. The study draws its importance by identifying the most important factors influencing the adoption of the e-banking service. Focusing on personal and demographic factors The study found the importance of profession and income in influencing the adoption of e-service, and that gender is affected by the location of e- payment. While age affects the nature of the service provided, the educational level was linked to the benefit of the service; and finally, the personal factors were greatly affected by the problems associated with the e- service. Reflecting the importance of the safety of e-banking transactions; the study recommended the diversification and dissemination of electronic banking services. And to increase the confidence and security of those transactions.
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