Measuring the extent adopt of the Organizational Change Dimensions from the Professors point of view; a field of study: Faculty of Economics of Laghouat University
This study aimed to measure the extent to which the dimensions of organizational change were adopted at the Algerian University, from the point of view of the professors of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Laghouat.
We designed a questionnaire that includes statements to measure the various dimensions associated with organizational change, as change in organizational structure, change in individuals, change in culture, and change in technology.
The questionnaire was distributed to all the professors in the faculty and 40 questionnaires were obtained, where the most important results were the acceptance of all the main and sub-alternative hypotheses, and we concluded that there are substantial differences with statistical significance at a significance level less than 0.05 that expresses the extent of perception Dimensions of organizational change to effect change at the Faculty of Economic
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