Obstacles to applying distance education at the University during the Corona pandemic-A survey at members of Jijel University.
This study aimed at investigating the obstacles that hinder the application of distance education at the Algerian University during the Corona epidemic. Through diagnosing the reality of distance education and the methods taken by the (M.H.E.S.R) to adapt to the epidemiological situation and continue the educational process. In order to achieve the objectives of the study from the point of view of the faculty members at Jijel University, we relied on the descriptive analytical approach and a questionnaire was distributed consisted of (32) items distributed on three axes. The study consisted of (250) professors, representing (31.80%) of the total community, selected during the academic year 2021/2022. The results indicated that the obstacles related to the technological infrastructure ranked first, then to students, then to teachers. As well as the presence of differences between the answers due to the variable years of experience, this matter affected the process of forming students and carrying out scientific research.
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