Assessment of the effectiveness of the training process within SONATRACH -HBK- Ouargla (2013-2016)
The aim of this study is to trace the training process of the oil company Sonatrach Direction HBK, as well as the evaluation of its effectiveness. A finding of HR was made according to three indicators; (Indicator of workforce status by socio-occupational category and their distributions - indicator of the workforce status by division and gender distribution indicator), subsequently other indicators are used to evaluate and analyse the performance of this process, such as (the indicator of the number of training operations carried out, the evaluation indicator of the actual and projected training plans and the cost of training indicator). The analytical descriptive method was used for the analysis of the data of the company, some concern that the year 2016, and others spread over the period from 2013 to 2016. The study concluded the existence of a lack of efficiency of the training process due to the perceived difference in the actual and projected results of the training; however, the company attaches great importance to the training of its employees in all its categories attested in the number indicator of training operations carried out.
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Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures.
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Fait par les auteurs, d’après les documents interne de l’entreprise et l’entretient avec le chef division personnel.
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