The role of marketing communication ethics in increasing enterprise ‎competitiveness: A field study on a sample of consumers of ENIEM ‎products in Algeria

  • Ahmed addelhafid medjedel university of taiba
Keywords: ethics of marketing communications, competitiveness, industrial enterprises, the competitive advantage


The study aimed to identify the extent of the contribution and commitment to adopt the ethics of marketing communications in achieving competitiveness Algerian Foundation, through the opinions of respondents from consumer products Algiers ENIEM survey. The study population was selected from Algerian consumers, where they were in the survey taken it consists of 80 consumer products Condor from the state of Algiers sample. The study found that there is a statistical ethics of communications of the ethics of both the impact of (advertising, personal selling, public relations, upgrade and sales promotion, direct marketing) in the lifting of competitiveness (cost reduction, innovation and renewal) of industrial enterprises Algerian.The study recommended the development and promotion of marketing communications ethics, particularly the integrated ones, and the need for the Algerian industrial enterprises to adopt the ethics of marketing communications and develop a code of ethics and its distribution across the company, and the training of staff to enhance their ability to cope with the difficult ethical problems.


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How to Cite
medjedel, A. addelhafid. (2017). The role of marketing communication ethics in increasing enterprise ‎competitiveness: A field study on a sample of consumers of ENIEM ‎products in Algeria. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(3), 07-23.