The degree of commitment to the principles of total quality ‎management at the Algerian University from the viewpoint of ‎the faculty members: ‎‏ ‏Bouira University as a model

  • Mohamed Lamine Merrakchi University of Blida 2
  • Mahfoud Arabi University of Blida 2
Keywords: Quality, total quality management, institutions of high education ‎


This study aimed to determine the level of application of the principles of total quality management at the University of Colonel Akli Mohaned Elhadj in Bouira, and this after knowing the principles of the application of total quality management in the institutions of high education , by using the survey method in the data collection process, so we designed a  questionnaire for (30) questions   , and  distributed  it to the sample of faculty members wich estimated for 192 individuals, but the good sample for the study was limited to 117 individuals.

The result that we can concluded from this study, that the application of the principle of total quality management was avrage


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How to Cite
Merrakchi, M. L., & Arabi, M. (2017). The degree of commitment to the principles of total quality ‎management at the Algerian University from the viewpoint of ‎the faculty members: ‎‏ ‏Bouira University as a model. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(3), 109-124.