A vision about tourism in Algeria compared to that in Tunisia and Morocco
This study deals with a vision of the potential of the development of the tourism sector in Algeria in light of the decline of the main supplier because of the link economy in Algeria oil, at a time when tourism in Algeria constitutes a vital sector untapped and reliable part of a comprehensive strategy to disengage the oil on the one hand.
On the other hand, tourism has achieved in the world today hasty growth and managed some of the countries to benefit increasingly from the global growth in tourism, others, particularly remote countries for exporting tourism markets and is trying to take advantage of this development, working to bring investment to develop services in the vicinity of the sites and places tourist areas, thus providing incentive to the development of other sectors. In spite of the negative perception about the tourism sector, previously regarded as just a recreational activity does not bring any economic returns, is now an economic activity within the major sectors included in the national accounts, And from most sectors in international trade, and it became the first of income for many countries source.
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