Mathematical models for measuring credit risk in commercial banks

  • Nora Zebiri University of Al-Messila
  • Houcine Beladjouz University of Al-Messila
Keywords: Credit risk, model, risk measurement, Discriminant Analysis, Basel committee


Bank credit risk is the major risk faced by banks in their activities and this considering the changes that appear in their environment, which pushes them to adopt precise studies on new credit risk procedures in order to preserve their profits and avoid the financial deficit.

The purpose of this study and to make the bank practice advanced mathematical processes for the precise analysis of credit risks which will help them to modernize the ways and means in decision-making in the granting of bank loans and so avoid major risks for the purpose of good credit management.


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How to Cite
Zebiri, N., & Beladjouz, H. (2017). Mathematical models for measuring credit risk in commercial banks. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(2), 105-116.