Awareness of the Algerian consumer using viral marketing techniques as a tool to stimulate tourism in Algeria - An analytical field study -

  • Salima makhlouf University of Chlef
  • Fateh Medjahdi University of Chlef
Keywords: Viral Marketing, viral marketing techniques, information acquiring, information sharing, Algerian consumer


The purpose of this research is to explore the Algerian Consumers’ awareness of the use viral marketing techniques (Email, Video, Social Media, Forums and Blogs) to motivate tourism in Algeria through the information acquiring and Sharing. In order to achieve these objectives, a survey study was conducted by developing and Distributed electronically at the level of the national territory, on a convenient sample of 427 respondents. Many statistical analysis methods were used to test the hypotheses of this study such, ANOVA one way, Mean, Standard Deviation and One Sample T Test. The main Findings of the study are:* There is a significant Statistically differences in the degree of Awareness of Algerian Consumers’ of the use viral marketing techniques to promote tourism services in Algeria due to their Age, educational level and income ; Social Media are the most used tool to acquiring the information and sharing it, while forums are the lesser used tool of viral marketing techniques; The results of this study demonstrate that the Social Media is the most effective techniques of the viral marketing techniques to promote the Algerian tourism services.


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How to Cite
makhlouf, S., & Medjahdi, F. (2017). Awareness of the Algerian consumer using viral marketing techniques as a tool to stimulate tourism in Algeria - An analytical field study -. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(2), 249-273.