The impact of investing in human resources in achieving the sustainable competitive advantage of the economic institution –A case study of the SAIDAL Complex for the Pharmaceutical Industry-Constantine branch
The human resource of the most important pillars upon which institutions in achieving its objectives. It has become a deal with him from a purely strategic perspective. The fact that the success of any economic institution, depends on the efficiency of the human race, who is out, it must be regarded as a source of strength and seeks to invest in it and care for it, because it helps to create a sustainable competitive advantage. In this study, we seek to demonstrate the impact of investing in this element in achieving sustainable competitive advantage, through "a field study on Saidal compound for the pharmaceutical industry Branch Constantine." We have identified investment in human resource development through:Investment in human resources contributes to the continuity of low-cost advantage of the compound under study.Investment in human resources contributes to the continuity of excellence for complex pharmaceutical feature.This study recommends the need to deepen the attention of senior management of the institution researched to invest in human resources.
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