Measuring the impact of customer expectations On the ‎experience of their relationship in the field of Customer service ‎Subscribers to third-generation (3G++) -Case Study of Mobilis‏ ‏operator’s Customers

  • Abdelkader Guerch university of Laghouat
  • Asma Achi university of Laghouat
Keywords: customer services, customer relationship, Mobilis


The nature of the experience of the customer relationship with area's customers mobile phone relatively varies due to the adoption of the customer's decision about the level of the available prices, and to his frequency of visits to the agency, and also to the size of his advantage from extra customer's service which are available via SMS service, or his interest in services provided on social networks. This can reflect his conscience about his participation. This latter occurs when the opportunity of taking advantage of new service is snapped. This role differs from a customer to another; and consequently; in turn, this role affects the customer relationship. So the volume of the relationship depends on the experience and the expectations of the customer to confirm the features of the relation (trust and engagement). It was concluded that trust is relatively high for the customers who showed high level of satisfaction, and scored good responsiveness. In addition, it is in his beginning and in its way to be satisfied. Besides the greater the customer is conscious and satisfied (more experienced) the greater the opportunity of acquiring new motives of special treatment. It was showed that there is a big effect on mobility financial costs on engagement for categories that scored high behavioral grades despite his attitude of satisfaction.


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References‏16‏‎/ ‎‏01‏‎/201‎‏6‏‏:التقرير السنوي لسلطة الضبط للبريد والاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية لسنة 2014‏

www.arpt.dzالتقرير السنوي لسلطة الضبط للبريد والاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية لسنة 2013:‏‏:التقرير السنوي لسلطة الضبط للبريد والاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية لسنة 2014‏‎

How to Cite
Guerch, A., & Achi, A. (2016). Measuring the impact of customer expectations On the ‎experience of their relationship in the field of Customer service ‎Subscribers to third-generation (3G++) -Case Study of Mobilis‏ ‏operator’s Customers. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 7(1), 127-165.