The measurement of the effect of internal marketing practices on services quality offered by the Algerian telecom company’s employees (Laghouat agency) by using the partial least squares (PLS) method
The main objective of this study is the measurement of the effect of internal marketing practices on services quality offered by the Algerian telecom company’s employees (Laghouat agency).
The study determined an independent variable representing the internal marketing practices through its four dimensions: internal communication, motivation, training, empowerment, and a dependent variable that represents service quality with its five dimensions: Tangibility, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness and Assurance.
In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a questionnaire was developed to collect the necessary information from the population concerned from which a sample of 91 individuals was selected. The method of modeling structural equations was used as well as the use of partial least squares (PLS) to study the relationship effect between the variables of this study.
After validation of the measurement model studied, the study showed a positive effect on validity degrees (0.05), between the internal marketing practices and the service quality offered by the Algerian telecom company’s employees in Laghouat agency.
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