E-recommendations and their contribution to shaping the attitude of the Algerian consumer towards national products: Source and Content as decisive factors
This study aims to find out how electronic recommendations contribute to shaping the attitude of the Algerian consumer toward national products, especially by source and content, The theoretical aspect of the components of the proposed model for the study was discussed based on the Elaboration likelihood model (ELM), Sample of 390 individuals was adopted whose data could be analyzed to get many statistical indicators, The path analysis method was also used as one of the structural equation modeling methods SEM, for that, we used SPSS 26 and AMOS 24 programs, The results concluded The consumer looks at the data received from the source with a simple look (Peripheral route) depending on experience and similarity in an exploratory step, in contrast to the content data, in case of interest, he conducts an accurate analysis of the content by quality; Intensity, and trend according to the central route, which ends up creating a position that has a continuous impact on national products.
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