Modeling the casual relationships between whistle blowing, organizational silence and administrative corruption An empirical study at public administration in the city of Bir el-Ater
This research aimed to study the causal relationship between whistle blowing, the organizational silence, and administrative corruption, in order to highlight the role of the whistle blower in reducing levels of organizational silence, and eliminating administrative corruption. The research sample included 262 employees out of 816, working in a group of public administrations in the city of Bir el-Ater. It is based on the assumption that there is a negative relationship between whistle blowing and organizational silence and administrative corruption. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data related to the research, as it consisted of 36 items distributed on three axes. To test the previous hypotheses, a set of statistical methods appropriate for each test were used, such as the path analysis method and the Hayes Process for the moderator variable. The research concluded that there is a causal relationship between the variables studied, and whistle blowing plays a moderating role in the relationship between organizational silence and administrative corruption.
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