Commercial advertising as an entry point for organizational excellence Analytical study of telecom companies (Geese, Ooredoo, Mobilis)
This study aims to define the extent of importance of the Commercial Advertising as Approach to Business Excellence, and by providing recommendations about how to deepening the effect of commercial advertising and which characteristics of advertising (components of advertising, characteristics, medias) are more attractive and that should be taken in consideration by cellular communication services (Djezzy, Oreedoo, Mobilis) to affect client's decision and behavior. In order to achieve the study objectives, and to test hypotheses, a questionnaire was designed and developed to collect primary data regarding the major variables mentioned-above in order to analyze their impact. A convenience sample was chosen from the desired population, it contains (200) client in Chlef University, and the respondents reached (135) with rate (65%).
The study reached the conclusion that the form, credibility and simplicity in commercial advertising are the most attractive and influential on the client's decision in choosing the service
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