The Impact of Technological Innovation on Improving Enterprise Products- Case Study of National Company for the Maghreb Mattresses- LIT-MAG – Tlemcen.
The need and the need of developing companies in an environment characterized by competition let him think of using the key factors of recent success in his internal and external environment as a technological factor as well and considers it as a tool for longevity, but it is necessary that the companies adapt with these technologies in its various functions in particular the function of R&D which could have created a new value in the form of the new products and services in the market opposite conceive it. And to enrich our study we posed the following problem: how new technologies can contribute new products-services for the company in other words how the technology factor could be integrated into the function of the company which is used to create values competitive? To study this problematic, we divided the work into two theoretical parts and the third concerning the case study for an Algerian company according to the data analysis, we obtained the results which reveal that the company obtained improvements in terms of its products because of integrated innovation contribute to creating new competitive products in the Algerian market through investment in the new Uni block technology (Springs Injected in La Mousse).
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