Hedging strategy analysis through financial options A case study of some banks listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange

  • Zouhir Ben daas University of Setif 1
  • Narimene Ragoub University of Setif 1
Keywords: options, Kuwaiti stock market, hedging strategy


This study aimed to identify the role of financial option contracts to cover investment risks and improve the liquidity of the financial market, on real data for a group of banks (7 banks) listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange, we have selected the banking sector as one of the pillars of the Kuwaiti economy, its shares are traded regularly, and also one of the most volatile sectors, and therefore the most risky. as a conclusion of this study We have reached a positive relationship between the set of financial option contracts and the needs of investors in the market, and the value of the option contracts raised the liquidity of Kuwait financial market during the period . Also the hedging strategy through options has succeeded in reducing the investment risk, where many expectations have been made on the buying and selling of options in the studied banks


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How to Cite
Ben daas, Z., & Ragoub, N. (2016). Hedging strategy analysis through financial options A case study of some banks listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 7(2), 107-128. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v7i2.367