The nature of management and strategic decisions of the director: ‎ A theoretical study

  • Abdenour Dahak University of Tizi Ouzou
  • Hocine Iarki University of Medea
Keywords: Management, Manager, Decision, Strategic Decision


     This article presents the essential debate and visions and the old current directions and trends of key research theorists and researchers around the subject of the nature of management and strategic decision. The purpose of this article is to try to determine and identify the contents of the nature of management and strategic decision by focusing mainly on the recent work of Henry Mintzberg devoted entirely to the subject matter while combining between characteristics of three key variables: science, art and craft (profession).


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How to Cite
Dahak, A., & Iarki, H. (2020). The nature of management and strategic decisions of the director: ‎ A theoretical study. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 6(2), 235-257.