Measuring the performance of the Supply Chain Management In the organization and improving it by using quantitative methods to help make decisions Case study: Rio dairy - Tlemcen
Improving the quality of supply services is the main guarantee for achieving excellence for these services, then adding real value to customers (increasing their level of satisfaction), and increasing the profitability of the organization.
Knowing that the characteristics that are unique to the service, whether it is a logistic or other characteristic, or in non-profit organizations or non-profit organizations, compared to the physical commodities, is one of the other reasons that may explain the difficulties that caused all the first attempts to measure and evaluate the quality of the service, And improve it. Through this research paper, we will try to explain the concepts of supply network management and evaluate its performance. We will also try to examine the various models of measuring the performance of the supply network, in addition to discussing ways to improve the quality of supply services, including Lot-sizing models, sales forecasting models and multi-standard methods. Finally, the most appropriate method is applied to the case of the Rio Corporation, which is specialized in producing yoghurt in its various forms.
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