Strategic Information System as a tool to achieve competitiveness of human resources in business organizations

  • Abdelkader Charef University of Laghouat
Keywords: Strategic Information Systems, Competitive advantage, Human Resource Management, Higher Management, Strategic decision, Intellectual capital,, Competencies


SIS represents one of the contemporary developments in the information systems environment to support competitiveness, especially at the level of the human resource, where the importance of these systems stems from the complexity and intricate interaction of business organization systems in the variables and environmental factors of the new global system, and the ensuing crises that could threaten an entity Organizations, which places new burdens on the administrative levels of these organizations is the importance of the interaction and compatibility of the strategies and policies applied with those variables and factors, and strategic information systems are systems that support or create the competitive strategy of an organization For business, it characterized by intrinsic ability to change the style of the performance of the business supported by the system, and this is done through its contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organization or moral ability to increase production and productivity


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How to Cite
Charef, A. (2011). Strategic Information System as a tool to achieve competitiveness of human resources in business organizations. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 2(1), 63-84.