The role of information and communication in the trade negotiation process
This article deals with the definition of commercial negotiation as a process that takes place in many institutions, in order to achieve its goals and to ensure a position that allows them to grow and continue, and because the negotiation teams are important in achieving the success of this process, we have shown that and we have clarified the most important restrictions that must be taken into account in this field .
As for the information, it represents the most important resources that the institutions need in general and during the negotiation process in particular. Electronic negotiation is one of the modern methods in achieving the goals, because it provides negotiating alternatives that guarantee the quality of inputs and outputs, and the practice of commercial negotiation must take place through the ethical rules that the negotiator adheres to. And, which reflects the image of the institution and transmits its truth to its customers, and in the end we touched on the characteristics of communication for negotiators of some countries and their differences according to their different cultures and negotiating principles.
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