The impact of training quality on improving tax revenue and its reflection on the Jordanian economy 'An applied study on the Income and Sales Tax Department'

  • Abdelkader Baba Mostaganem University
  • Ismail Ibrahim Al-hadid Al-Balqa Applied University - Amman University College for Financial and Administrative Sciences
Keywords: The training process, government administration, the quality of tax services, total quality management


The aim of the research is to evaluate the scientific principles that underlie the training process that takes place in government tax departments in Jordan, where tax cadres are trained and qualified, and the extent to which the quality of the training process reflects the quality of the tax services provided there. The research also aims to clarify the concept of total quality management and the extent of its adoption in government tax departments. For this purpose, the Income and Sales Tax Department was chosen as a model for government departments due to its importance in the national economy.


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How to Cite
Baba, A., & Al-hadid, I. I. (2010). The impact of training quality on improving tax revenue and its reflection on the Jordanian economy ’An applied study on the Income and Sales Tax Department’. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 1(1), 35-65.