The willingness of small and medium enterprises to apply knowledge managemen
This study dealt with the subject of knowledge management, and the readiness of the Small and medium enterprises to practice it. It was limited to the study society which is composed of twenty-one small and medium enterprises in the industrial zone in LAGHOUT, by taking a sample of twelve enterprises from different sectors and distributing the forms on sixty-five officials, a manager, a vice-manager and a Head of Department. The first part of the form was allocated to the personal information (sex, qualification, experience and the job). While the second part was allocated to the knowledge management as it is divided into four themes: the human readiness; the technological readiness; knowledge integration and the execution of the main processes for knowledge management.After collecting the data, it was entered in MICROSOFT EXCEL to send it to SPSS software , some study data was analyzed by using the mean of central tendency (The Arithmetic Mean) and the measures of dispersion (Standard deviation). So , we got these results: The human resources are ready to practice the knowledge management.Not enough technological (information and communication) readiness. The readiness to carry out the main processes of the knowledge management.The readiness to integrate the knowledge in the administrative activities. At the end, we found out, despite the lack of the possibilities concerning the information and communication, that the Small and medium enterprises in the industrial zone in LAGHOUT are ready to start practicing the knowledge management entry.
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