Implications of recent technological developments on the labor market, indicating the effects of information technologies
In the past few decades there has been a revolution in computing and communications “information technology IT”, and all indications are that technological progress and use of information technology will continue at a rapid pace.
These advances present many significant opportunities but also pose major challenges. Today, innovations in information technology are having wide-ranging effects across numerous domains of society.
Labour markets have changed profoundly, especially in more recent years. The introduction of new technologies, new systems of production and organization of work and the promotion of export-led manufacturing…ext all have strong repercussions on labour markets.
The aim of this paper is to examine the implications of these shifts on labour market.and also it discusses a number of criteria that can be used to assess to what extent information technologies adequately support labour and employment policies.
Our paper is organised as follows:
Section 1 considers definitions of labour market and information technology and its characteristics.
Section 2 looks into the linkages between information technology and labour market (impact).
In Section 3, we draw some conclusions and highlight a number of areas in which more research is needed.
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