Measuring the efficiency of applying a total quality management system In Al-Hussein Medical City

  • Samar Fanatel ZABEN the King Hussien Medical Center (K.H.M.C)
  • Samira Ibrahim MANIF the King Hussien Medical Center (K.H.M.C)
Keywords: Management, Quality Management, Total Quality Management, efficiency


This study aimed to measure the efficiency of applying the total quality management (TQM) procedures at the King Hussien Medical Center (K.H.M.C)through answering the following question: How efficient is applying (TQM) system in (K.H.M.C)?

            To achieve that, we formed a questionnaire consisted of 56 items covering the following areas: head management in the hospital. Organizational culture, material resources management, personnel affairs management, and clients' (patients) satisfaction.

All of the above areas totally aim at revealing the views and attitudes ofthe members of the study population toward the efficiency of applying the TQM at (K.H.M.C). The study sample consisted of the administrative units employees at (K.H.M.C). The validity and reliability of the instrument were realized.

             The means as well as the standard deviations were computed for each item and each area of the areas of the pattern of the TQM.   The researcher concluded that the possibility of applying the total qualitymanagement system at (K.H.M.C) was high.

            According to the results, the researcherrecommended that the Jordanian hospitals need to adopt the TQM system throughinitiating special centers for TQM at the jordanian hospitals. Such centers are important in designing and applying training programs on a permanent and continuous basis for the medical and administrative cadres, with a special focus on realization of a high quality level in work performance.


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How to Cite
ZABEN, S. F., & MANIF, S. I. (2012). Measuring the efficiency of applying a total quality management system In Al-Hussein Medical City. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 3(1), 237-252.