The effects of certification according to ISO 9001 on human resource management practices in Algerian companies

  • Safia BELGHACHE University of Algiers 3
Keywords: quality management system, training, internal communication, employee involvement, ISO 9001 standard, certification


The implementation of quality management system according to ISO 9001 standard, calls the HR function; it requires the mobilization of all staff, and to all company levels.

The aim of our research is to highlight, through an empirical study, the effects of ISO 9001 certification on human resources management practices in Algerian companies, including training, internal communication and staff involvement.  The results from the study showed, on the whole, positive impact of ISO 9001 certification on human resources practices.


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How to Cite
BELGHACHE, S. (2017). The effects of certification according to ISO 9001 on human resource management practices in Algerian companies. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 8(1), 307-328.