Mechanisms for developing leadership competencies for human resources (leaders) and their reflection to develop the skill of strategic thinking under the challenges of the new economy
Many organizations facing range of difficulties related to many aspects of environment such as organizational and strategic fields, if these organizations interested to implant a clear strategic vision and accurately framed strategic goals they can inevitably have high performance, but this can be achieved only under rational leadership witch is characterized by rigor on hand and flexibility on the other.
We found nowadays most of organizations focuses on leadership competencies development because the interest of this side, but we can say that this interest has deep roots like the approaches of leadership ex: traits, ….theory, these theories has enriched and revised by new posts and theories witch supported by many sciences like psychology, sociology, management, anatomy and neurology, these contributions in this field still revised, retreat and studied in order to find the effective method to develop leadership competencies and link it to the strategic thinking.
This study aim to demystify and clarify the concept of leadership competencies and how to develop it, and what is the effect of development mechanism on the strategic thinking.
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