The importance of involving employees in business organizations in strategic planning
The strategic planning consider as a basic function of the of strategic management, it is might lead the internal changes which emanating from the general goals of the organizations, highlights the role of strategic planning as one of the new planning model to face the internal and external changes, taking into account market segments targeted and style of competition. The aim of this study is to identify the importance of involving staff in strategic planning in business organizations, the most important result of this study is :the senior management recognizes the importance of strategic planning moderately, the staff involved in the development of strategic plans moderately, there are some obstacles of using the strategic planning methods, there is a relationship between the perception of The importance of participation of employees in strategic planning by senior management and the involvement of the employees in these activities, the recommendations: the senior management may adopt the concept of strategic planning, develops plans to encourage employees to participate in the strategic planning processes, adopt an organizational structure and communication and working system to increases the chances of participate in strategic planning processes and reduce the obstacles, depend on advisers assistant in the early stages of the implementation of the strategic plan.
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