Migrant workers in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council states
The phenomenon of the emigration in GCC, these countries present one from the most important international territories in reception and influence on the coming worker emigration, and this phenomenon represents the most important the most interesting subject between the interests of the politics creators and the decisions makers in GCC.
On the one hand، it represented and remained a necessity which is difficult to dispense with, because of its substantial relations with the development, however, it has a negative influences, which its features and results became evident, by disequilibrium in the population structure and in the work market, also in the cultural and social values,
Besides that, it creates a lot of challenges treated in this study, especially the disequilibrium between the supply and the demand of the employment ،and the problem of the availability of workers suitable with the new economics، related by the information and the communications، especially, under the dominance of the big multinational ties societies، which created a new kinds of emigration, and they also produced a strong competition in work market, because of the qualified workers question, who are delighting in using the high technics, and that led to the emergence of another issue which considers as another challenge; it is the unsuitability of the educational outputs of the workers in general, and the native workers in particular.
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