A study of the response of the insurance sector in Algeria to economic changes
The development of the national economy depends on supporting the algerian financial system with insurance companies that serve the developing objectives. Like any banking institutions, the creation of national insurance companies was done through melting numerous insurance companies found in Algeria after independence.
These institutions took part in achieving some of those planned objectives despite being in need for the necessary experience.
In the framework of the economic liberalism that characterized the Algerian economy during the mid 80s, this sector knew a huge market openness; but it still lacks more modernity and variety in terms of services, even those that need to fit the Islamic rules.
TAFIANI Boualem, Les assurances en Algérie (Etude pour une meilleure contribution à la stratégie de développement), OPU et ENAP, Algérie, p69.
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القانون 06/04، المؤرخ في 20/02/2006، المتعلق بالتأمينات.
المرسوم التنفيذي 09/375، المؤرخ في 16/11/2009، المتعلق برأس المال الأدنى لشركات التأمين.

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