Economic intelligence, a specific process to attract foreign direct investment

  • Mohamed Hamdani University of Oran
Keywords: economic intelligence, foreign direct investment, research and development


In the field of business management, controlling changes in research and development, and telecommunications technology, allows companies to improve their organization, using more advanced techniques to support competitive positions by using competitive strategies which can help the systems to reach specified information concerning the organization at the level of national or international market. The most important role in the factors and in economic development is the role of economic intelligence, because it offers strategies allow the optimal use of the available material and human resources, and gives accurate information that can help institutions. Besides, its major role in the attractiveness of foreign direct investment (FDI) considered as a source of national development through technology transfer and new organizational means and policies.


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How to Cite
Hamdani, M. (2013). Economic intelligence, a specific process to attract foreign direct investment. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 4(1), 7-22.